Арии, романсы и песни из репертуара Муслима Магомаева


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Композитор Ааронсон (Эронсон) Ирвинг
(Irving Aaronson)


ПРЕКРАСНЕЙШАЯ НОЧЬ ГОДА (The loveliest night of the year)

по вальсу Х.Розаса "Над волнами"
Из кинофильма "Великий Карузо"

Стихи Уэбстер Пол Френсис (Paul Francis Webster)

When you are in love,
It's the loveliest night of the year.
Stars twinkle above,
And you almost can touch them from here.

Words fall into rhyme,
Anytime you are holding me near.
When you are in love,
It's the loveliest night of the year!

Waltzing along in the blue
Like a breeze drifting over the sand.
Thrilled by the wonder of you
And the wonderful touch of your hand and...

My heart starts to beat
Like a child when a birthday is near
So kiss me, my sweet -
It's the loveliest night of the year!

It's the loveliest night of the year!

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Составитель Фетисова Наталия 2004-2021

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