Арии, романсы и песни из репертуара Муслима Магомаева


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Композиторы Рудольф Фримль и Герберт Стотгарт

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из оперетты "Роз-Мари" Рудольфа Фримля и Герберта Стотгарта
(Rudolf Friml и Herbert Stothart),
Композитор Рудольф Фримль
(псевдоним Родерик Фримен, Roderick Freeman)

So echoes of sweet love notes gently fall
Thru the forest stillness,
As fond waiting Indian lovers call!

When I'm calling you
Will you answer too?

That means I offer my life to you to be your own
If you refuse me I will be blue, and waiting all alone

But if when you hear my love call ringing clear
And I hear your answering echo so dear
Then I will know our dream will come true
You'll belong to me, I'll belong to you.

Then I will know our dream will come true
You'll belong to me and I'll belong to you.

Ноты находятся на Персональном сайте Муслима Магомаева



из оперетты "Роз-Мари"

Oh, sweet Rose-Marie, it's easy to see
Why all who learn to know you, love you.
You're gentle and kind, divinely designed,
As graceful as the pines above you.
There's an angel's breath beneath your sigh,
There's a little devil in your eyes.

Oh, Rose-Marie, I love you!
I'm always dreaming of you.
No matter what I do, I can't forget you.
Sometimes I wish that I had never met you,
And yet, if I should lose you,
'T would mean my very life to me,
Of all the queens that ever lived I'd choose you,
To rule me, My Rose-Marie!

The song of the Spring is heard when you sing,
And when you laugh the birds seem thrilling.
But angry, oh my, you'd think that the sky,
With storms from the north is filling.
Then when smiles have chased away your frown,
Seems the sun itself is shining down.

Oh, Rose-Marie, I love you!
I'm always dreaming of you.
No matter what I do, I can't forget you.
Sometimes I wish that I had never met you,
And yet, if I should lose you,
'T would mean my very life to me,
Of all the queens that ever lived I'd choose you,
To rule me, My Rose-Marie!

No matter what I do, I can't forget you;
Sometimes I wish that I had never met you!

Of all the queens that ever lived I'd choose you,
To rule me, My Rose-Marie.

Второй куплет не исполнялся.

Ноты находятся на Персональном сайте Муслима Магомаева



Donkey Serenade

Из к/ф "Двойная игра"

Композиторы Рудольфа Фримля и Герберта Стотгарта
(Rudolf Friml и Herbert Stothart),

Стихи Б.Райт и К.Форрест
B.Wright, C.Forrest

Ay! Ay! Ay! Ay!
There's a song in the air,
But the fair senorita,
Does n't seem to care
For the song in the air.

So i'll sing to the mule
If you're sure she won't whink that
I am just a fool
Serenading a mule.

Amigo mio, does she
Not hove a dainty bray?
She listens carefuly
To each little tune you play.

Si, si, mi muchachito,
She'd love to sing it too if
Only she knew the way.
But try as she may,
In her voice there's a flaw!
And all that the lady can say
Is: "EE - AW!"

Senorita donkeysita,
Not so fleet as a mosquito,
But so sweet like my Chiquita
You're the one for me.

Senorita donkeysita,
Not so fleet as a mosquito,
But so sweet like my Chiquita
You're the one for me.


Be my love (Будь со мной) Популярные песни из репертуара Марио Ланца
Москва Музыка 1994

Ноты на данном сайте


перевод И.Бекетова

Эй, эй! Эй, эй!
Я пою лишь о ней,
О моей сеньорите,
В песенке моей
Я пою лишь о ней.

Но кому, не пойму,
Я пою - посмотрите,
Песенку пою
Я ослу своему.

Амиго, ты не знаешь,
Как мой осел умен!
Готов все песни
Со вниманием слушать он.

Но как ему обидно,
Ведь он, бедняга, видно,
Тоже в нее влюблен.
И вот мы бредем,
По несчастью друзья,
Вдвоем серенаду поем:
"И - и - а!"

А проклятые москиты,
Как непрошенная свита,
В честь прекрасной сеньориты
Подпевают нам.

А проклятые москиты,
Как не прошенная свита,
В честь прекрасной сеньориты
Подпевают нам.


Be my love (Будь со мной) Популярные песни из репертуара Марио Ланца
Москва Музыка 1994


Составитель Фетисова Наталия 2004-2015

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